Quality is Mandatory
Blackwater Cattle Company is a vertically integrated cattle operation producing top quality Hereford bulls and certified F-1 replacement females that are designed to thrive in the South. From our easy fleshing Red Angus females to our proven Herefords, we put extreme pressure on fertility, soundness, and udder quality. We demand our cattle wean heavy calves that will top the market. We select top quality Brahman bulls with an emphasis on moderate frames, soundness, fertility and disposition. Our certified F-1s include Red Angus x Brahman, Hereford x Brahman and Hereford x Angus. Our annual spring sale will allow top cattlemen to tap into Blackwater genetics.
Blackwater is a family run business led by Mike Coggins, a third generation farmer and rancher, and his wife, Penny.
Our Legacy
Blackwater Cattle
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Contact Us

BLACKWATER CATTLE COMPANY is located near Lake Park, Georgia just east of Interstate 75, straddling the Georgia-Florida line. This location provides the ideal gateway to service the cattle producing states of the Southeast while also providing easy access to interstate arteries convenient to moving cattle across the entire United States.
Mike and Penny Coggins – Owners
Mike: 229-232-3096
Penny: 229-588-0228
Josh Lea – Ranch Manager